Solar & Battery Site Go To Market assistance
ChargeWorks can help you understand the energy and cost saving potential of solar and batteries within your organisation. As independent consultants, we analyse possible sites, energy usages and provide recommendations and concept designs.
We can provide you with templates to go-to-market to get what you really want and evaluate the quality of responses received from suppliers.
There are more than 4500 accredited Solar Photovoltaic (PV) installers in Australia servicing the market. We can assist you in assessing your individual requirements and your site feasability. We help clients understand Solar PV and Battery Storage and how it can applied in their business to suit their specific needs. We can establish a brief to go to market and guide you through choosing a quality product that will meet your needs.

Sustainability Planning & Implementation
Do you wish to reduce your operating costs through alternative energy solutions?
Are you also looking to improve sustainability through renewable energy?
ChargeWorks can help through our comprehensive understanding of energy solutions. We can assist your organisation navigate towards a sustainable future. ChargeWorks can recommend real savings relevant to the operating nature of your organisation and save you thousands of dollars.

Electric Vehicle & Charging Infrastructure
The Electric Future is here. With a rapidly changing market are you struggling to understand how to implement electric vehicles and charging infrastructure into your current operating environment?
ChargeWorks can help in analysing both light and heavy vehicle fleets and associated daily operating demands.
We can provide you with a detailed plan to transition toward the electric future and the associated infrastructure and policies to support this transition
This will overlap with the energy sector through Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) where EV batteries are also used to also provide power back into the grid. ChargeWorks can advise how to integrate Electric Vehicle infrastructure into your overall energy management strategy.